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Table 5 Production, Consumption Quality and Economic Return of Monthong Durian with 3 different fertilizer rates for the farmer's durian
orchard, Ban Na Sub-district, Ban Na Doem District, Surat Thani Province (2017-2018)
Index of
Fertilizer Benefit Cost
Fresh fruit Rind wt. Aril wt. Aril Edible Taste Yield/tree cost reduced Expense Income Net Ratio*
Fertilizer Treatment wt. thickness portion /tree fertilizer /tree /tree profit/tree (BCR)
(g) (g) (g) (mm) (%) (kg/tree) (Baht) (%) (Baht) (Baht) (Baht)
T1=farmer practice of fertilizer
use in rate of 1,480-1,110-2,240 2,691 1,610 976 26 36 Sweet 141 440 0 1,830 11,280 9,450 5.16
g N-P2O5-K2O /tree/year
T2= soil test based fertilizers Sweet
for targeted durian yield at the
rate 1,150-490-1,710 g N-P2O5- 2,683 1,534 1,029 25 38 nutty 140 362 18 1,752 11,200 9,448 5.39
K2O /tree/year
T3=fertilizer rate based on Sweet
classified soil texture at the 2,933 1,705 1,106 25 38 and 144 โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
rate 1,135-1,100-1,670 g N- nutty 401 9 1,791 11,520 9,729 5.43
P2O5-K2O /tree/year
Statistical significant ns ns ns ns ns ns - - -
C.V.(%) 18.6 20.8 19.7 24.2 22.4 - - -
BCR = Benefit Cost Ratio (Net return/expense)
Income of durian products = 80 baht/kg
Fertilizer 21-0-0 = 11.60 baht/kg. Fertilizer 9-25-25 = 38.8 baht/kg.
Fertilizer 12-12-17 = 34.00 baht/kg. Fertilizer 0-0-50 = 46.00 baht/kg.