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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว


                                     ไนตริฟิเคชั่น (Nitrification) ของปุ๋ยไนโตรเจน
               Effect of Tannin Substances of Organic Material for Inhibitor Nitrification

                                                 on Nitrogen Fertilizer
                      ศรีสุดา  รื่นเจริญ         พีรพงษ์  เชาวนพงษ์           ปฏิมาภรณ์  จินจาคาม           ทิพวรรณ  แก้วหนู
                                            กมลชนก  เจริญศรี           นงลักษ์  ปั้นลาย

                Srisuda  Ruencharoen         Peerapong  Chaovanapong          Patimaporn  Jinjakam          Tipawan  Kaewnoo
                                       Kamolchanok  Charoensri          Nongluck  Panlai
               กลุ่มวิจัยปฐพีวิทยา                                              กองวิจัยพัฒนาปัจจัยการผลิตทางการเกษตร


                        Effect of tannin substances of organic material for inhibitor nitrification on nitrogen fertilizer by
               planting sweet corn. First year in clay loam at Lopburi Seed Multiplication Center, Lop Buri Province, in RCB
               experimental designed was planned with 4 replications 5 treatments. The result showed chemical fertilizer
               rate 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg /rai was highest yield followed by
               chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai, chemical fertilizer rate 15-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai mixed with
               ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg /rai, chemical fertilizer rate 10-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai mixed with ground
               mangosteen peel 3.22 kg /rai and chemical fertilizer rate 0-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai respectively. In sandy loam
               at farmer field, Uthai Thani Province, The result showed chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai
               mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg was highest yield followed by chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-10
               N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai, chemical fertilizer rate 15-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22
               kg/rai, chemical fertilizer rate 10-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg/rai and
               chemical fertilizer rate 0-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai respectively.
                        Second year in clay loam at Lopburi Seed Multiplication Center, Lop Buri Province, in Split plot in
               RCB experimental designed with 3 replications was 3 main plots as ground mangosteen peel and 4 sub plots

               as chemical fertilizer. The result showed main plots as ground mangosteen peel had not significantly different
               by mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg/rai was highest yield, followed by not mixed with ground
               mangosteen peel and by mixed with ground mangosteen peel 15.78 kg/rai respectively.  Sub plots as
               chemical fertilizer had significantly different by chemical fertilizer rate 15-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai was highest
               yield followed by chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai, chemical fertilizer rate 10-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O
               kg/rai and chemical fertilizer rate 0-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai respectively. In sandy loam at farmer field, Uthai
               Thani Province. The result showed main plots as organic fertilizer had not significantly different by not mixed
               with ground mangosteen peel was highest yield, followed by mixed with ground mangosteen peel 15.78
               kg/rai and by mixed with ground mangosteen peel 3.22 kg/rai respectively. Sub plots as chemical fertilizer
               had significantly different by chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai was highest yield followed by
               chemical fertilizer rate 15-5-10 10-5-10 and 0-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai respectively.
               Key words : Organic, Material, Tannin, Nitrification, Mangosteen peel
               1 ศูนย์วิจัยและพัฒนาเมล็ดพันธุ์พืชลพบุรี
               1  Lopburi Seed Research and Development Center

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