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Table 8 Comparative of estimated nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that plants used for production and the amount of fertilizer applied at 3 different rates
                        on the soil for 2 consecutive seasons in farmer’s durian orchard, Ban Na Subdistrict, Ban Na Doem District, Surat Thani Province (2017-2019)
                                      A Farmer’s fertilizer rate          A fertilizer rate based on soil and yield analysis    A fertilizer rate based on classified soil texture
                                       Nutrient                                    Nutrient                                    Nutrient
                 Plant      Fertilizer                                  Fertilizer                                 Fertilizer
                nutrition    applied   taken up   Balance    Recovery   applied    taken up   Balance   Recovery    applied   taken up    Balance   Recovery
                                                                                   by fruit
                                        by fruit
                                                                                                                               by fruit
                             (g/tree)                                   (g/tree)                                    (g/tree)
                                        (g/tree)                                   (g/tree)                                    (g/tree)
              Crop 1
              Nitrogen       1,480       456       1,024       31        1,150       454        696        39        1,135      467        668         41
              Phosphorus     1,110       147        963        13         490        147        343        30        1,100      151        949         14
              Potassium      2,240       757       1,483       34        1,710       753        957        44        1,670      775        895         46
              Crop 2
              Nitrogen       1,480       558        922        38        1,150       618        532        54        1,135      623        512         55
              Phosphorus     1,110       180        930        16         490        200        290        41        1,100      201        899         18
              Potassium      2,240       926       1,314       41        1,710      1,025       685        60        1,670      1,034      636         62            โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว

              over 2 crops
              Nitrogen       1,480       507        973        34        1,150       536        614        47        1,135      545        590         48
              Phosphorus     1,110       164        946        15         490        173        317        35        1,100      176        924         16
              Potassium      2,240       841       1,399       38        1,710       889        821        52        1,670      904        766         54
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