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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว

                Table 1 Soil properties prior to experimentation at farmer’s durian orchard, Ban Na Subdistrict, Ban Na Doem
                       District, Surat Thani Province (2017-2018)

                            Soil Properties            Top soil            Subsoil         Acceptable Range*
                                                       (0-15 cm)         (15-30 cm)
                   pH                                    4.07               4.11               5.5 - 6.5
                   EC 1:5 (dS/m)                         0.04               0.04                  -
                   Organic Matter (%)                    1.95               1.40               2.0 - 3.0
                   Avail. Phosphorus (mg/kg)             407                326                 35 - 60
                   Exch. Potassium (mg/kg)                74                 71                100 - 120
                   Exch. Calcium (mg/kg)                  51                 39               800 -1500
                   Exch. Magnesium (mg/kg)                13                 10                250 - 450
                     Note : *  Modified from Ankerman, and Large.1988.

               Table 2 Rate of fertilizer application according to soil analysis and durian yield
                    period for fertilizer applied       Fertilizer applied               Application rate
                                                   1,150-490-1,710 g N-P2O5-K2O          (gram/tree/year)
                  1. vegetative growth        1. fertilizer grade 21-0-0          2,000 gram together with 10-0-3
                                                                                  amount 4,000 gram/tree/year
                  2. prior flowering          2. fertilizer grade 9-25-25         1,000 gram/tree/year
                  3. fruit development stage   3. fertilizer grade 12-12-17       2,000 gram/tree/year
                  4. fruit development stage   4. fertilizer grade 0-0-50         1,000 gram/tree/year
                  5. before fruit ripening    5. fertilizer grade 0-0-50          1,000 gram/tree/year

               Table 3 Plant nutrient concentration before experimentation in Monthong Durian leaf at farmer’s durian orchard,
                        Ban Na Subdistrict, Ban Na Doem District, Surat Thani Province
                       Nutrient          concentration       standard concentration*           unit
                  Nitrogen                   2.29                    2.0-2.4                    %
                  Phosphorus                 0.12                   0.15-0.25                   %
                  Potassium                  2.12                    1.5-2.5                    %

                  Calcium                    1.21                    1.7-2.5                    %
                  Magnesium                  0.31                   0.25-0.50                   %
                  Iron                        60                     40-120                   mg/kg
                  Manganese                   68                     50-120                   mg/kg
                  Zinc                        17                     10-30                    mg/kg
                  Copper                      29                     10-25                    mg/kg
                  Boron                       33                     30-70                    mg/kg
                  Note : * สุมิตรา และคณะ (2544)

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