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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว

                   ประสิทธิภาพการใช้น้ำของข้าวโพดเลี้ยงสัตว์พันธุ์ลูกผสม 4 พันธุ์ (พันธุ์ NSX102005

                 พันธุ์ NSX112017 พันธุ์นครสวรรค์ 3 และพันธุ์ซีพี 888 นิว) ที่ปลูกในชุดดินสมอทอด
               Water use efficiency of four hybrid maize cultivars (NSX102005, SX112017,
                          Nakhon Sawan3 and CP888 New) grown on Samo Thod soil

                                         ศุภกาญจน์  ล้วนมณี      การิตา  จงเจือกลาง       สามัคคี  จงฐิตินนท์
                            Suphakarn  Luanmanee      Karita  Chongchuaklang       Samakkee  Jongthitinon
               กลุ่มวิจัยปฐพีวิทยา                                              กองวิจัยพัฒนาปัจจัยการผลิตทางการเกษตร

                        Water is an important factor for increasing crop production efficiency. Improvement of maize cultivar
               for drought tolerance should be studied on the water efficiency of maize in each cultivar. Therefore, the water
               use efficiency of four maize cultivars grown on Samo Thod soil series was studied at Nakhon Sawan Field Crops
               Research Center. This was aimed to be used as an information for evaluating drought tolerant maize cultivar
               in breeding  program.  The  experiment  was  laid  in a split  plot  with  4 replicates.  Main plots  were  water
               supplementing levels, which were without water supplement (rain-fed), supplementing water by 50% and
               100% according to water requirement of maize (ETc), which received a total amount of water throughout the

               cropping season about 475.9 619.9 and 763.9 millimeters, respectively. Subplots were hybrid maize cultivars,
               NSX102005, NSX112017, Nakhon Sawan 3 and CP 888 New. Fertilizer was applied at the rate of 20, 10 and 15
               kilograms per rai of N, P 2O 5, K 2O.
                        The results showed that the amount of water that maize received had a significant effect on maize
               production. Maize that received 763.9 millimeters of water resulted an average yield of 1,019 kilograms per rai.
               This was greater than that of maize that received 619.9 and 475.9 millimeters of water which produced average
               yield of 930 and 790 kilograms per rai, respectively. When comparing between cultivars, it was found that CP
               888 new cultivar gave an average yield of 1,054 kilograms per rai higher than Nakhon Sawan 3 and NSX102005
               which gave the average yield of 894 and 890 kilograms per rai, respectively, while the NSX112017 gave the
               lowest yield of 813 kilograms per rai.
                        However,  when  considering  the  water  use  efficiency,  it  was  found  that  maize  grown  under
               rain-fed condition that received water throughout the cropping season 475.9 millimeters had the highest water
               use efficiency 1.66 kilograms yield per millimeter of water received. While the maize that received 619.9
               millimeters of water during cropping season had the average water use efficiency of 1.50 kilograms yield per 1
               millimeter of water received. Maize that received 763.9 millimeters of water during cropping season had the

               lowest water use efficiency of 1.33 kilograms yield per 1 millimeter of water received. When comparing among
               the cultivars, it was found that CP 888 New cultivar had the highest water use efficiency of 1.68 kilograms yield
               per 1 millimeter of water received, followed by NSX102005, Nakhon Sawan 3, NSX112017 cultivars which had
               an average water use efficiency of 1.43, 1.42 and 1.30 kilograms yield per 1 millimeter of water received,

               1 ศูนย์วิจัยพืชไร่นครสวรรค์ สถาบันวิจัยพืชไร่และพืชทดแทนพลังงาน กรมวิชาการเกษตร
               1 Nakhon Sawan Field Crops Research Center

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