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     โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
               1)   In the case of general trade: An importer takes a risk and charges a
                 premium. There is profit margin for various levels of channels. Thai
                 fruits may have a higher price for Chinese consumers. However, there
                 is unlimited scope in both online or offine channels, and no personal
                 quota for a customer;
               2)   In the case of cross border retailing e-commerce import: An importer
                 prepares a product based on order, with less risk. There is no profit
                 margin for extra  levels  of channels. Together  with a lower cost of
                 tariff, VAT, and Consumption Tax, Thai fruits may have a lower price
                 for Chinese consumers (Figure 2.15). However, there are limited items
                 in the approved list by the government. Some platforms are particularly
                 cautious  in selecting fruits and  fruit  importers. There is also a

                 limitation of ¥5000 per transaction, and ¥26000 per person per year,
                 as a personal quota if a customer would like to benefit from the lower
                                $               =      "            %   #   5     benefit "          %
               3)   The Chinese importers of Thai fruits are, in many cases, the bosses
                 of Thai exporters with Chinese background.  Besides  import and
            ,                          "      "         $              $             "                %
                        54    #! ;   #            #       $    4                              # #
                 export, large Chinese importers also extended to other steps of the
                          "                 $         "     4$           $   #          4           #
               # %           #                ! 2        /!/3
                 supply chain, such as farming, collection, and processing in Thailand
                 and wholesale and retail in China (Session 4.4).
                  !)/  +            6
          Table 2.14 Operators in Haitao

                    8 9 <
          Source: CASPIM
             4     !)*      F;  #   -       4  F                             #        #

          Supply Chain                                                      51

                    8 9 <

   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75