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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
* 1 + " # # !
* 1 + " # # !
) 1 9 2 4 !)) # !))3!
DITP is very active in its promotion activities in China (Figure 2.11 and
3 # efforts 4 # # 4 # # "
) 1 9 2 4 !)) # !))3!
Table 2.11). It may extend its efforts in monitoring and predicting the
# "
# efforts 4 # # 4 # # "
need and behavior of Chinese consumers and communicate the
9 office " Affairs 2 4 $))3
# "
information in the entire supply chain;
3 # #4 ! # %
9 office " Affairs 2 4 $))3
# #4 ! # % has little
2) Provincial office for Commercial Affairs (Figure 2,11)
4 % % # !
4 % % # !
involvement in international promotion due to budget constraints.
The problem may be solved with more online meetings with wider
4 !)) # " 9
local participation.
4 !)) # " 9
Figure 2.11 Selected Examples of Promotion
42 Supply Chain