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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
Table 5.4 Role of Thai Government & Related Strategies
Components Strategy Strategy
Set up and implement national fruit strategy, coordinate MOAC (for production) and MOC (for marketing) by the
Direction Fruit Board; promote R&D and Innovation; embrace supply chain integration; manage external shock such as
GT1 Covid 19, maintain sustainability in demand and supply, enhance competitive advantage, protect stakeholders;
and leverage digital technology.
Set up standards (e.g. TAS) & issue certificate (e.g. GAP and GMP) to improve productivity, efficiency and quality;
ensure Thai fruits meet the SPS requirements of international standards and importing countries with minimal
GT2 environment and health hazard; manage external shock such as Covid 19; embrace supply chain integration;
enact and enforce rules to protect all stakeholders with digital technology; strive for sustainability and
Promote R&D and Innovation; extend the strength of farmers and enterprises with planning for optimal size,
higher efficiency and quality; in response to the market demand; system to manage external shock (e.g. storage,
GT3 deep processing, insurance, diversification); embrace supply chain integration; provide technology advice
through farmer organizations such as local “learning centres” and “community enterprises”, with digital technology
such as mobile apps; strive for sustainability and competitiveness.
Build up and enhance awareness and reputation of Thai fruits, expand fruits and areas with GI (Geographic
Identification); promote sales online and offline in cooperation with local governments, importers & retailers;
GT4 through business matching, Thai fruit exhibitions, flagship shop in Tmall, in-store activities; embracing supply
chain integration, manage external shock with extra marketing efforts; apply digital technology such as social
media; strive for sustainability and competitiveness.
(General Administration Customs of China) on market access and SPS requirement;
Negotiates with GACC (General Administration of Customs China) on market access and SPS requirement;
Negotiation expand the permission list of Thai fruits; update and implement the Protocol on land transportation through third
country; urgent action to mitigate traffic congestion due to the ZCP by fully utilizing the Laos-China railway and
speeding up the Customs procedure; Coordinate with Laos and Vietnam for cross-border land transportation;
strive for sustainability and competitiveness.
Source: CASPIM
3.2 Digital Transformation (DT)
The roles of SCI in the 5i framework discussed above are enhanced with
digital transformation (DT) (Table 5.5). This sub-strategy of DT (DT1-DT3) is
linked with the seven strategic objectives (Ob) in section 3.5.
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