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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
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1. Overview
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Thailand needs to keep stretching its hands in the fruit market in China with
strategies. Discussion in the previous chapters on the supply chain, production
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and marketing leads to strategic objectives (Ob) based on SWOT analysis,
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followed by four critical issues and their related strategies on 1) Demand
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Driven Supply Chain Integration (SCI); 2) Digital Transformation (DT); 3)
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Competitive Marketing Mix (CS and MM); 4) Resilient to External Shock (ES).
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In conclusion, these issues are linked to the strategic objectives together with
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an action plan (Table 5.1).
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Table 5.1 Organization of Chapter 5
Source: CASPIM
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2. SWOT Matrix & Strategic Objectives (
Seven Strategic Objectives (Ob1-Ob7) are proposed based on the SWOT matrix
which includes Strength (S1-S4); Weakness (W1-W4); Opportunity (O1-O4);
and Threat (T1-T4) for Thai fruits in Chinese market. The strategies are formed
by examining the pairs of Strength and Opportunity (SO strategies); Weakness
and Opportunity (WO Strategies); Strength and Threat (ST Strategies); and
Weakness and Threat (WT Strategies) (Table 5.2).
Strength (S)
S1: Abundant resources of fruit and R&D capabilities for new varieties
S2: Established reputation, scale & channels
S3: Government direction, regulation, extension, promotion & negotiation
S4: Entrepreneurial farmers and other stakeholders
Strategy 133