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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
Table 3.19 Major Varieties of Thai Mango
Table 3.19 Major Varieties of Thai Mango
Variety Characteristics
น้ำดอกไม้สีทอง Most popular variety for export; Flesh is yellow with a shade of orange, little Þber;
1 Sour when raw, sweet when ripe, with special aroma; Stunted seed; Good
Nam Dokmai
Si Thong endurance during transportation and resistance to diseases; Average weight 350g.
เขียวเสวย Popular for consumption when it is raw; Flesh is yellow with a shade of orange;
2 Sweet and creamy when raw, sweet when ripe, with light fragrance; Big size,
Kiew Savoey average weight 400g.
โชคอนันต์ Miracle mango with two crops in a year; Flesh is yellow, no Þbre; Sour and Þrm
3 when raw, sweet and with Þne texture when ripe, with slightly pungent odor; Big
Choc Anan size, thin seed, weight 300-400g.
แก้ว Long time consumed in Thailand, popular for three ßavors combined: sweet, sour
4 and creamy; Sweet and Þrm, crispy and creamy with little gum even when it is raw;
Kaew Weight 200-300g.
เขียวมรกต A variety grows fast and easy to bear fruits; Thick ßesh, crispy and creamy when
Kiew Morakot raw, sweet and aromatic when ripe; Stunted seed; Big size, average weight 500g.
ฟ้าลั่น Distinguished for its cracking sound when the skin is peeled off; Creamy and not
6 much sour when raw; Creamy and with a right degree of sweetness, Þne texture
Faa Lan and little Þber when ripe; Average weight 285g.
Distinguished for its elongated and curved shape; Sour when raw, sweet and sour
7 Mahachanok when ripe with its special aroma; Seed is long and thin; Suitable for consumption
fresh or processed into mango juice; Weight 250-370g.
จินหวง (นวลคำ) Flesh is dark yellow, Þrm with Þne texture, creamy, crispy, aromatic and slightly
8 sweet when ripe; No Þber or pungent odor; Very big size, thin and stunted seed,
Jinhuang weight 0.8-1.8 kg.
อาร์ทูอีทู Distinguished for its round shape and orange color; Flesh is lemon yellow, Þrm and
9 with little Þbre; Middle degree of sweetness when ripe; No pungent odor; Big size,
R2E2 weight 0.6-1 kg.
แรด It is called ‘Rhinoceros’ due to the little pointed horn that protrudes out of the fruit;
10 Very sour when raw, sweet and sour when ripe; Lots of Þbre and short seed;
Raed Usually consumed as a sour snack along with dips; Average weight 300g
Source: Compiled by CASPIM
86 Production