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     โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
           $        -#  *C*&

          2021 was a year  of harvest for Longan  when  the output reached  nearly
           * C*& )     ,          %               )                            , &'* 1           '
          1.2 million tons. The price, however, hit the lowest due to a large supply in
                4   ) %  4           )                        ,
          Thailand and a clog in export to China due to Covid 19 (Table 3.15).
                %   &^ 5       '&d6'
                  '&d          A        (                            *C&^@*C*&
          Table 3.15 Planting Area and Output of Longan in Thailand 2019-2021 11
          1 rai = 1,600 square meters = 2.4 Chinese mu (亩)
           &     _ &4BCC  >     1      _ *'<         1  5亩)
          Source: DOAE 2021
           $        -(A  *C*&

          North (such as Chiangmai & Lamphun) and East region (such as Chanthaburi)
          accounted for 68% and 29% of output in 2021. The dominating variety E-Daw
                 5              1   g   1    6                 5                   6
          accounted for 98% of output in 2021. To cater for the season of Chinese market,
           B Gc     *^c              *C*&'       1        %     ,  @- )               ^Gc
          varieties like Phuang Thong and Phetsakon gained its shares in the planting
                     *C*&'                                    1  3  4 %           3
                 3                                                 , 5       '&B6'
          area recently (Table 3.16). Longans in the North are generally whiter, with thin
                   , )     4 )          3  4 fl   ,      )   '                               4 fl   ,
          skin, fleshy and sweet. Longans in the East are bigger, fleshy and with thick
           )        3  3  '
           +  %              h  ,       .                 ,    5       '&E6'        3    %      1
          Harvest starts in July until March of the next year (Table 3.17). The peak harvest
                    h  ,     A     ' 2                 %            ,                        @  @
          time in the north is July and August. But the fruit is available all year round
           %                                     1                    off@       fl )     '
                 %      1  1 ,        %       ,                       '
          because of out-of-season varieties and application of potassium chlorate to
          induce off-season flowering. The control of harvest time may cause oversupply
          in a particular season.
           & &  -       1             -     1       A                      5-(A 6    .      ,    A                        %   5.(A 6
                 bb        '    '  '
                                                                            & &

          11  Data from database of Department of Agricultural  Extension (DOAE) of Ministry of Agriculture and
          Cooperatives (MOAC)

          Production                                                        83
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107