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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
ไนตริฟิเคชั่น (Nitrification) ของปุ๋ยไนโตรเจน
Effect of Meliacins Substances in Organic Material on Nitrification
Inhibition of Nitrogen Fertilizer
ปฏิมาภรณ์ จินจาคาม พีรพงษ์ เชาวนพงษ์ ศรีสุดา รื่นเจริญ ปิยะนันท์ วิวัฒน์วิทยา
ทิพวรรณ แก้วหนู กมลชนก เจริญศรี นงลักษ์ ปั้นลาย
Patimaporn Jinjakam Peerapong Chaovanapong Srisuda Ruencharoen Piyanun Wiwatwittaya
Tipawan Kaewnoo Kamolchanok Charoensri Nongluck Panlai
กลุ่มวิจัยปฐพีวิทยา กองวิจัยพัฒนาปัจจัยการผลิตทางการเกษตร
Effect of organic materials that contain meliacins group inhibitors constituents Nitrification
process (Nitrification) of nitrogen fertilizer by planting sweet corn in clay loam at Lopburi Seed
Multiplication Center, Lop Buri Province and in sandy loam at farmer field, Uthai Thani Province. The
first year, experimental planed in RCB had 5 treatments 4 replications. In the clay loam found that neem
waste rate of 3.8 kg/rai together with chemical fertilizer at the rate 15-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai to give the
highest productivity. The next was chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai and 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-
K 2O kg/rai together with neem waste rate 3.8 kg/rai. In the sandy loam found that chemical fertilizer
rate 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai together with neem waste rate 3.8 kg/rai gave the highest productivity.
The next was chemical fertilizer rate 15-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai together with neem waste rate 3.8 kg/rai
and 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai.
The second year, experimental designed Split plot in RCB with 3 replications was 3 main plots
and 4 sub plots. In the clay loam result shown that main plot was not significant where neem waste
rate 3.8 kg/rai gave the highest productivity and the next was neem waste rate 3.8 kg/rai and not input
the neem waste. However, sub plot was significant when input 20-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai gave the highest
productivity. In the sandy loam found that main plot and sub plot was not significant where inputted
neem powder 19 kg/rai gave the highest productivity but in the sub plot inputted chemical fertilizer
rate 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai to gave the highest productivity.
In conclusion, the clay loam should be used neem powder 3.8 kg/rai together with chemical
fertilizer rate 15-5-5 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai, it could be decreased nitrogen fertilizer 25% to recommended
fertilizer based on soil analysis. In the sandy loam should be used neem powder 9 kg/rai together with
chemical fertilizer rate 20-5-10 N-P 2O 5-K 2O kg/rai, it could increase production efficiency nearly with
recommended fertilizer based on soil analysis.
Keywords : Organic Materials, Meliacin, Nitrification, Neem powder
1 ศูนย์วิจัยและพัฒนาเมล็ดพันธุ์พืชลพบุรี
1 Lopburi Seed Research and Development Center