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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
5. Role of Chinese Government
5.1 Direction
The key functions of Direction include:
1) Direction in terms of the national development plan;
2) Direction in terms of the development of international trade;
3) Directions in terms of the development of e-Commerce.
The functions above are carried out by:
1) NPC (The National People’s Congress);
2) SC (The State Council);
3) MOC (Ministry of Commerce).
The key functions of Direction are fulfilled through the following process:
1) The plans and directives would be formed and announced by NPC,
SC, and MOC (Table 2.21).
1) The plans and directives would impact the economic prospects of the
country and priority of regional and industrial development;
2) The plans and directives may reveal new opportunities or obstacles
for trade.
62 Supply Chain