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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
2.3 Secondary Data
The insights from field trips in Thailand and online interviews in China are
supplemented by the secondary data. The key sources of secondary
information may be divided into four categories (Table 1.11):
1) Data from government, especially the fruit trade statistics from the
Customs of Thailand (Table 1.12), General Administration of
Customs of China (GACC) (Table 1.13), and the fruit production data
from the Department of Agriculture Extension (DOAE) of Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand (Figure 1.1);
2) Data from wholesale market, such as Talaad Thai and Jiang Nan
3) Data from fruit news providers in China, such as China Fruit Portal
中国⽔果⻔户, Produce Report 国际果蔬报道, Fresh Plaza: 全球果蔬⽹
and Asia Fruit 亚洲⽔果;
4) Data from e-Commerce platform in China for marketing information
and customer feedback, such as Taobao/Tmall (淘宝/天猫), JD (京东),
PinDuoDuo (拼多多), and Suning (苏宁).
Table 1.11 Key Sources of Secondary Information
Source: CASPIM
14 Methodology