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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
Table 1.4 shows the export volume to China from 2018 to 2021 according to
the data from the Customs of Thailand. The growth rate of the export volume
and the rank of the growth rate of fruits in a total of 14 fruits are also reported.
Fruits in the table are listed according to the alphabetical order of their English
names. For example, the export volume of durian is 779,880 tons in 2021.
It has a growth rate of 75% over the last year, ranks number five among
Thailand's 14 most important fruits.
Table 1.5 shows the export volume of Thailand to the world and the share of
China from 2018 to 2021, according to the data from Customs of Thailand.
Fruits in the table are listed according to the alphabetical order of their English
names. For example, the export volume of durian from Thailand to the world
is 875,079 tons in 2021, 72% of which went to the Chinese market.
Table 1.4 Export Volume of Thai Fruits to China
Source: Customs of Thailand
Table 1.5 China’s Share in the Volume of Thai Fruits Export
Source: Customs of Thailand
10 Methodology