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     โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
          Among Competitors
          The key competitor  of Thailand  is actually  China itself, the world  second
          largest producer of mango, with the capacity of more than 3 million tons, 3
          times that of Thailand. According to the data of GACC, China imported 14,148

          tons of mango from abroad in 2021. The four largest suppliers are Thailand
          (39.9%), Cambodia (23.6%), Vietnam (19.0%) and Taiwan (14.5%) (Table 4.14).
               $    !)    E   3                            #
          Table 4.14 Major Players in the Mango Market of China

          Source: Compiled by CASPIM, with import data from GACC (General Administration of Customs of China)
             1   %            $   413  7 "                #    (4   8(       4               #          #     30 9
          Marketing Mix
                #        $
          The observations on mango in Chinese market include product grade, package
                  $   +                                    %          %       7   %       ; 7    % 7
          size, price, countries of origin such as Thailand, Vietnam and China, retailers
             %          #          %             7 6                7                 E    H%     %
          and major e-commerce platforms such as TMall, Tao Bao, JD, and PingDuoDuo
                 #       %          7     K  7 C.7      3   .  .   8  $    !)G9!
          (Table 4.15).
                                #          85   .      1       9 %   $          ¥100/kg, "
                      @                   ¥20kg, %        "          %        $  "    ¥4/kg    ¥20/kg.
          The premium  mongo of Thailand (Nam Dokmai  Si Thong) can be sold at
                   #    6       %   $  $          $    ¥2/kg,
          ¥100/kg, while the ordinary quality ones around ¥20kg, compared with the
                ,?,)            "  %             ̶ 3  3       ̶  "  %      %             %   7   #
          local ones between ¥4/kg to ¥20/kg. Mongo from Vietnam can be bought at
                               #         !       "      %  +   #        "             fl +       %   #  %
          about ¥2/kg,
                %   #        ¥150/kg.
          In 2021 the market welcomed a small  “Pi Pa Mongo” which is  actually
          Mayongchid, a fruit not yet permitted for import. It is well received for its
          sweet and sour flavor and can fetch a price of around ¥150/kg.

          Market                                                           117

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