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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว


                          Potential of actinomycetes isolated from areas affected

                                       by climate change in Pai river basin
                                 อมรรัตน์  ใจยะเสน            จิตรา  เกาะแก้ว            อำนาจ เอี่ยมวิจารณ์
                               Amornrat  Chaiyasen            Jitra  Kokaew            Amnat Eamvijarn

               กลุ่มวิจัยปฐพีวิทยา                                              กองวิจัยพัฒนาปัจจัยการผลิตทางการเกษตร

                       The potential of actinomycetes isolated from Pai river basin, Mae Hong Son Province that
               affected by different temperatures between summer and winter, was studied in 4 areas: 1) downstream
               forest 2)   downstream agricultural area 3)   upstream forest and 4)   upstream agricultural area in three
               seasons: winter (December), summer (April) and rainy (July). Plant growth promoting properties including
               siderophore production, phosphate solubilization and indole acetic acid (IAA)   production were tested.
               The results showed that Streptomyces sp.   WF 4-1 has the highest siderophore production, while
               Streptomyces sp.   WF 10-1 has the highest phosphate solubility.   Actinomycetes isolated from soil in

               winter, summer and rainy season with the production of indole acetic acid were 42, 32 and 29 isolates,
               respectively.   Ten actinomycete isolates with highest plant growth promoting activity were selected to
               test against plant pathogens. It was found that Streptomyces sp. WF 4-1 was highest effective in inhibiting
               bacterial  plant  pathogens  including  Erwinia  carotovora  pv.   carotovora,  Ralstonia  solanacearum,
               Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines and X. oryzae pv. oryzae. Streptomyces sp. WA 20-3 was the
               most effective isolate for inhibiting X.   campestris pv.   campestris.   In vitro growth inhibition of fungal
               plant pathogens including Colletotrichum sp., Fusarium sp., Phytophthora palmivora, Rhizoctonia
               solani, Rhizoctonia sp.   and Sclerotium rolfsii showed that Streptomyces sp.   RF 23-1 was effective in
               fungal growth inhibition of all tested fungal plant pathogens.   The result of non-antagonistic with
               rhizobium showed that Streptomyces sp.   WF 3-1, WF 4-1, WF 10-1, RF 12-4 and RF 23-1 were non-
               antagonistic to three rhizobium species: Bradyrhizobium japonicum DASA 02006, B. liaoningense DASA
               03018 and B.   daqingense DASA 03084.   Therefore, these actinomycetes can be used with the use of
               those three rhizobium species. In greenhouse experiment, mungbean seedlings were found to be rotten
               when planted with plant pathogenic fungi:   Sclerotium rolfsii, even with Streptomyces sp.   WF 4-1.   In

               addition, seedlings that inoculated with Streptomyces sp.   RF 12- 4 was showed moderate disease
               occurrence at level 2.   Erwinia carotovora pv.   carotovora caused mungbean seedlings to the mild
               disease at level 1 but plant height, fresh weight, root length and root number among all treatments
               was no statistical difference.
               Keywords : Actinomycetes, Antagonist, Pai river basin, plant pathogen

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