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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว

                                            Tokyo University of Marine
                                            Science and Technology, Japan                                Nobuaki Okamoto
            Kasetsart University is one of the oldest and most important friends. TUMSAT and Kasetsart University concluded Academic Exchange Agreement in 1996
            when TUMSAT was “Tokyo University of Fisheries”, and we have been keeping good relationship with each other through the exchange of students and
            staff. We are able to carry out many joint research activities which targeting global issues. For example, we have been hosting together an International
            Seminar for Aquaculture and Food Sciences every year.
            On behalf of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Japan, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 72  Anniversary of
            Kasetsart University. I would like to express my great respect and gratitude to Kasetsart University for the contributions you have made to the global
            development through your excellent education and research activities for 72 years.

                                                                                                          Perttu Vartiainen
                            University of Eastern Finland, Finland                                              Rector
            On behalf of the University of Eastern Finland, I would like to extend to you my warm congratulations on the occasion of the 72  Anniversary Celebration of Kasetsart    35
            University during the year 2015. Here in Finland, your distinguished institution is well-known and highly appreciated as one of the leading research universities in Asia.
            The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest research universities in Finland. It was constituted in 2010, as the result of the merger of the University
            of Joensuu and the University of Kuopio. As you know, our cooperation with Kasetsart University dates back to the 1990s. We have been especially pleased about
            our research and educational cooperation in the fields of Forestry and Natural Sciences. Student exchanges have also taken place, for example, in the fields of
            Business Administration, Computer Science, and Medicine.
            On behalf of the University of Eastern Finland, I wish your university all the success in the coming years. We look forward to expanding our mutually beneficial
            cooperation into new areas of joint interest.

                              University of Guam, USA                                             Robert A. Underwood, Ed. D.              72 ปี มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ พิพัฒน์แผ่นดินไทย      จดหมายแสดงความยินดี
            Biba Kasetsart University! Biba OUG! On behalf of the University of Guam, I congratulate to Kasetsart University on their 72  Anniversary celebration. As a premiere,
            public university located in seven campuses across Thailand, you provide many opportunities for visiting students, researchers and scholars from the region and
            around the world. The University of Guam is a land-grant institution and is excited to have opportunities to engage in activities with your top tier agricultural science
            programs and research.
            I wish you event filled and joyous year-long celebration of both your past and current contributions to higher education. The University looks forward to exploring future
            opportunities to collaborate on projects of mutual interest.

                                                                                                           David Lassner
                      University of Hawai‘i, USA                                                         Interim President

            Congratulations on the 72  anniversary of Kasetsart University! We send our sincere best wishes and aloha from the University of Hawai’i System and all of our ten
            campuses in the state of Hawai’i.
            Your core values of “Efficiency, Synergy and Integrity” are clearly reflected in decades of research in agriculture, food, technology and innovation, as well as your
            internationalization goals. We praise your collaborative activities and commitment to the global academic society to encourage students to become productive
            citizens in an increasingly borderless world.
            The University of Hawai’i and Kasetsart University have had a long-standing affiliation. The current Memorandum of Understanding on International Exchange was
            signed in March 2013 between the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, our flagship campus, and Kasetsart
            University.  And, prior to this, Kasetsart and Kapi`olani Community College of the University of Hawai‘i had a long history of cooperation as well.
            We look forward to continuing our association with Kasetsart University and mutually prospering from beneficial opportunities for exchange and research among
            our students and scholars.
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