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โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
3.5 Conclusion: Strategic Objective & Related Strategies
The sub-strategies above related to the critical issues of Demand Driven
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Supply Chain Integration (SCI) (Section 3.1), Digital Transformation (DT)
(Section 3.2), Competitive Marketing Mix (CS and MM) (Section 3.3); and
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Resilient to External Shock (ES) (Section 3.4) are linked to the seven strategic
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, , 6 ,,7 6 0 078 1 6 7 60 37
objective (Ob1-Ob7) based on the SWOT analysis in Section 2 In Table 5.13
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Table 5.13 Linkage between the Seven Strategic Objectives and Related
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Source: CASPIM
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4. Action Plan to Achieve Strategic Objectives
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The Action Plan to achieve the strategic objectives is laid out, including:
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1) Involvement of key stakeholders from “R&D”, “Input for Production”,
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“Farming”, “Collection”, “Processing”, and “Export”, “Cross Border
“ ”5 “4 ”5 “ ”5 “ H ”5 “%! ”5
Logistics”, “Import”, “Wholesale”, “Retail” and “Government” for each
“ ”5 “1 ” “< ' ! ” ' “ )./ ' ”
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of the seven “Strategic Objectives” (Table 5.14).
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2) Roadmap & Milestone for each of the seven Strategic Objectives: the
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expected achievement in the time frame of 4 to 5 years compared
with the base year of 2021 (Table 5.15), and the expected export value
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of the six fruits in focus from Thailand to China (Table 5.16).
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3) Resource configuration necessary to achieve the seven “Strategic
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“ @ 1 ”5 “ 1 ” “4 . 1 ”
Objectives” (Table 5.17), including “Natural Resources”, “Human
Resources”, “Technology Resources”, “Natural Resources”, “Financial
Resources” and “Public Resources”.
146 Strategy
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