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โครงการหนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ด้านการเกษตร เฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว


                       Pan Fisheries Cooperative, Ltd., and Nakornnayok Aquaculturist and Aquatic Processor Cooperative Ltd., were the
               two selected Tilapia Aquaculturist Cooperatives. Pan Fisheries Cooperative, Ltd., was a successful cooperative, capable of
               being  an  example  for  organizing  a  community  organization  to  strengthen  tilapia  aquaculturist  capacity.  Nakornnayok
               Aquaculturist and Aquatic Processor Cooperative Ltd., was developed on the basis of tilapia sale agreement, as led by the first
               cooperative chairman, between the cooperative and Tesco-Lotus. The sale agreement induced quite a number of members.

                       Pan Fisheries Cooperative, Ltd., was developed from a group of tilapia aquaculturist in Pan District to strengthen
               aquaculturist capacity. At the establishment the leader was a local agribusiness entrepreneur. Members understood cooperative
               principle,  participating  in  decision  planning  and  taking  action  as  well  as  being  the  owner  of  the  cooperative,  leading  to
               collaboration. Besides, the members owned their culture area, thus could make full decision in tilapia culture development. The
               cooperative committee consisted of representatives from each member group coordinating between the Cooperative and the
               members. One of the success factors was the leader. Members agreed that their leader had a strong intention to work for the
               Cooperative, being capable in cooperative administration and management. There was an office ready to service the members.
               All services were provided. Pan planned production according to market demand. Members who sold the fish through the
               Cooperative must buy tilapia fry from the Cooperative thus Pan could plan the harvesting date. Members who broke the sale
               agreement would be punished by cutting selling right to the Cooperative. Pan had a close collaboration with local relevant
               agencies,  resulting  in  support  from  many  agencies.  Financial  status  was  good  leading  to  access  to  finance  provided  by
               government agencies. Further development would be networking with tilapia aquaculturists both in this province and outside,
               tilapia product development, and market development.

                       In spite of tilapia sale agreement with Tesco-Lotus, Nakornnayok members were not able to produce at the quality
               and quantity as required by the buyers. The Cooperative tried to get assistance from local fisheries agencies, giving training for
               members’  tilapia  culture  development.  During  the  establishment  Nakornnayok  got  support  from  Cooperative  Business
               Development officer as well as Cooperative Auditing Department officer giving advice in their operation. Nevertheless the
               members did not have adequate understanding in cooperative principle due to the rush in establishment. This led to lack of
               collaboration in cooperative work. Nakornnayok could make profit, but a small one. The Cooperative had a capital constraint
               thus difficult to get revolving fund to pay for the fish sold by members through the Cooperative. Sale to Tesco-Lotus needed 28
               days until cash. Nakornnayok attempt was to get support from Provincial Cooperative Office through Whole Value Chain
               Project, but was not approved yet. Nakornnayok did not collaborate much with relevant local government agencies, being a
               constraint on receiving support. There should be on time annual report and financial report such that the agencies could have
               information about the performance as well as inviting relevant officers to join Cooperative meetings.

                        Development of tilapia aquaculturist cooperative should be as follow. 1) Member should be conscious in cooperation
               to strengthen farmers, capacity. Members should realize that they owned the cooperative and should collaborate. Establishment
               should start from members with similar norms. The production should be adequate for running cooperative business. 2) The
               leader should be honest and fair while being able to provide working time for cooperative. The leader should be knowledgeable
               with human relationship and devoted for strengthening the cooperative as well as being acceptable by the members. 3) There
               should be  cooperative  office  such  that members  could  conveniently  get  in  touch for  their  collaboration.  There  should  be
               adequate operating cost both from the cooperative and public and private agencies. 4) Services to be provided included
               production promotion, input provision, output collection, knowledge and information provision and collaboration with relevant
               public and private agencies. Government agencies especially Department of Fisheries should put more emphasis on integration
               among relevant local agencies.

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