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โครงการพัฒนาหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสเฉลมพระเกียรต สมเด็จพระเทพรตนราชสดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมาร ี
Title : Design and Development of an Electronic Book (E-book) for Course
Promotion at Kasetsart University: From Hard Copy to Electronic Book
(E-book) : A Study on User Satisfaction and Impact
Researcher : Tiprat Issarangkul Na Ayutthaya
Year of Research : 2024, 51 pages
This study explored the creation and implementation of an electronic guidebook (E-book) for
educational guidance documents previously available in hard copy format at Kasetsart University.
The primary aim was to offer a modern option aligned with current technological trends, intending
to reduce paper usage and environmental impact.
The study involved the development of an educational guidance E-book for Kasetsart
University as a new, suitable option for technology-driven communication and education for
contemporary students. The main goal was to minimize paper use and lessen environmental impact.
The trial use of the educational guidance E-book with a sample group demonstrated
significant benefits, with an average evaluation score of 4.71 out of 5. This indicates that users highly
recognized and accepted the E-book, finding it a good and convenient alternative for accessing
university educational information. Additionally, the E-book enhanced the efficiency of promoting
and communicating Kasetsart University's courses to the public, presenting information clearly and
contemporarily. It is easy to update and modify information as necessary, supporting the use of
environmentally friendly learning technology.
The research findings indicated that the sample group of E-book users was highly satisfied
with the quality (cost reduction of printing), with an average score at the highest level = 4.71).
Satisfaction with language use (correct and appropriate spelling and word usage) was also at the
highest level ( = 4.58). Satisfaction with the quality (current course information) was at a high level
( = 4.47)
Moreover, the study evaluated user satisfaction from various perspectives, including quality
(cost-saving benefits), language use (correctness and appropriateness), and relevance (current course
information). The research results showed high satisfaction in all dimensions. The development of
this E-book effectively meets the educational needs of contemporary students sustainably and
environmentally friendly.
Therefore, the development of this educational guidance E-book not only drives new
innovation at the university for course promotion but also effectively and sustainably responds to
the demands and technological behavior of today's students.
Development of Electronic Guidance Books at Kasetsart University from Hard Copy to E-book : A Study of User Satisfaction and Impact 2 | P a g e