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     โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
          1. Overview
          Before reaping the six fruits focused on in this book, their planting is studied
          in this chapter with the following four parts (Table 3.1):

              1)   Variety : major varieties or  cultivars ; the list of GI (geographical
              2)   Trend : output trend in three years, including planting area, output,
                 output per rai, and fame gate price;
              3)   Structure : output structure in geographic regions; by major varieties
                 and seasonal variations;
              4)   Parameter : technical parameters such as growth period  (life of

                 a  tree,  years  before  carrying  fruit,  flowering  period  before  harvest,
                 harvest time), planting intensity, and unit cost.
                 '& (     "
          Table 3.1 Organization of Chapter 3

          Source: CASPIM
          $        A$ #.

           Varieties often  occur  in nature,  and  most varieties are true  to type:  the  seedlings with  the  same unique

          characteristic as the parent. Cultivars are “cultivated varieties” by humans. They are not necessarily true to type.
          To propagate true-to-type clones, many cultivars must be propagated vegetatively through cuttings, grafting,

          or even tissue culture.
                    1         BCC %                               4              +             /
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                 4         ,              '  1         * < %         ' .       4       4
          F    1     4 :  0  4           .         %  , )         %                  1  3  4          )
                1           %                             4            4             &4
                        5       '*6'
              -     1       #                   , 5-# 6        .      ,      11     5.( 6
                       :# 5                       6    &&                               , 5       ' 6'

          *                         0        ,         *CCB        0        ,         (สารานุกรมส าหรับเยาวชนไทย6   ' *G'
             )))',              '  1
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