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     โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสด้านการเกษตร เฉลมพระเกียรตพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว
                   Table 3.31 Major Varieties of Thai Pomelo
          Table 3.31 Major Varieties of Thai Pomelo
                      Variety                    Characteristics
                               Flesh from dark pink to red, similar as pomegranate; Soft, sweet, juicy, and with
                1              ßavorful aroma; It has a few seeds or is seedless; °Brix 9.7%–12.7%; Weight 1.8
                     Tabtinsiam  – 2.0kg.

                       ทองดี   The predominant commercial cultivar in Thailand; Flesh soft pink, soft, very juicy,
                2              watery, not bitter, and fragrant; Seedy, thin skin; °Brix 10.5%– 11.9%; Weight 0.9
                     Thong Dee  – 1.1kg.

                      ขาวน้ำผึ้ง  Flesh honey-colored, Þrm, sweet and a bit sour, crisp, juicy but not watery;
                3              Seeds are large but few in number; Quite thick skin; °Brix 11.4%–12.6%; Average
                    Khao Naphung  weight 1.8 kg.

                      ขาวใหญ่   Flesh white with a shade of yellow, sweet, crisp a bit sour, and juicy but not
                4              watery; Seeds are quite large and numerous; °Brix 10.5%–12.4%; Big size,
                     Khao Yai  weight 1.2–2.3 kg and may reach 3.0–4.0 kg.

                      ขาวพวง   Commonly used as offering in festivals; Flesh white with a shade of yellow, sweet
                5              and sour, juicy but not watery; The skin is moderately thick and with few seeds;
                    Khao Phuong  °Brix 9.8%; Average weight 1.3 kg.

                     ขาวแตงกวา  Flesh white, sweet and mildly sour, not bitter, crisp, soft, dry and not watery; Thin
                    Khao Tangkwa  skin with large ßesh, °Brix 10.8%–11.4%; Weight 0.9–1.6 kg.

                      ท่าข่อย  Pith thick and ßuffy with a unique aroma; Flesh light pink, soft, juicy, sour and
                7              mildly sweet; Thin skin with a few seeds and sometimes seedless; °Brix 8.69%–
                     Tha Khoi  9.39%; Weight 0.7–0.8 kg.

          Source: Compiled by CASPIM

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