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คลังความรดจทัลและฐานข้อมลจดหมายเหต มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร ์
วิจัยธุรกิจที่คุณทำได: จากการเริ่มตนสูความสำเร็จ 327
ดัชนี (Index)
Alternative Hypothesis, 81 Peer Review, 50
ANOVA, 156 Population, 111
Applying Research Results, 34 Practical Recommendations, 252
Business Research, 1 Purposive Sampling, 125
CFA, 161 Qualitative Analysis, 220
Challenges, 29 Qualitative Hypothesis, 83
Cluster Sampling, 121 Qualitative Research, 7
Conceptual Framework, 66 Quantitative Hypothesis, 82
Confidence Level, 114 Quantitative Research, 7
Construct Validity, 146 Quota Sampling, 126
Content Validity, 145 Ratio Scale, 133
Control Variables, 70 Recommendations, 255
Convenience Sampling, 124 Regression Analysis, 158
Correlation Analysis, 159 Reliability, 129, 143
Correlation Coefficient, 159 Research Benefits, 23
Data Cleaning, 177 Research Design, 101
Data Collection, 26, 132 Research Gap, 63
Data Interpretation, 187 Research Hypothesis, 81
Dependent Variables, 69 Research Limitations, 242
Descriptive Statistics, 150 Research Objectives, 16
Developing the Conceptual Framework, 67 Research Question, 9
Discussion, 213 Research Questions, 11
Discussion of Results, 203 Research Results, 32
EFA, 161 Research Scope, 20
External Validity, 147 Sample Size, 114
Extraneous Variables, 70 Sampling Techniques, 119
Factor Analysis, 161 Scope of Business Research, 2
Future Research, 261, 275 Secondary Data, 141
H0, 81 SEM, 163
H 1, 81 Simple Random Sampling, 119
Human Resource Development, 34 Skimming, 51
Hypothesis Testing, 155, 190 Snowball Sampling, 127
Independent Variables, 69 Spearman, 160
In-Depth Interview, 31 Split-Half Method, 145
in-depth interviews, 221 Stability Testing, 144
Inferential Statistics, 155 Statistical Hypothesis, 81
Internal Consistency, 143 Strategic Decision-Making, 36
Internal Validity, 147 Stratified Sampling, 120
Inter-Rater Reliability, 144 Structural Equation Modeling, 163
Interval Scale, 133 Summary of Key Findings, 235
Key Components of a Research Report, 295 Survey Research, 8
Limitations, 29 Synthesizing Literature, 51
Limitations of Sampling, 130 Systematic Review, 46
Literature Review, 45 Systematic Sampling, 122, 123
Margin of error, 114 Test-Retest Method, 145
mind map, 51 Test-Retest Reliability, 143
Mixed Methods, 109 Thematic Analysis, 220
Nominal Scale, 132 torytelling, 225
Null Hypothesis, 81 t-test, 156
Ordinal Scale, 133 Using Software, 182
Organizational Improvement, 32 Validity, 129
Pearson, 159 Variables, 69