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            โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกสเฉลมพระเกียรตสมเด็จพระเทพรตนราชสดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมาร       ี
                                                                 ศาสตรแหงแผนดน 27
            (International Degree Programs & English Programs)
             Bachelor Degree Level 27 Programs
             : 18 Programs (At Bangkhen)
                  1. B.A. Communicative Thai Language for Foreigners   2. B.A. Entrepreneurial Economics 9
                 3. B.A. Integrated Tourism Management      4.  B.B.A. Management
                 5.  B.B.A. Marketing                       6.  B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
                 7.  B.Eng. Software and Knowledge Engineering
                 8.  B.Eng. Digital Manufacturing and Robotics Integration Engineering
                 9.  B.Eng. Aerospace Engineering and B.B.A. Business Administration
               10.  B.S. Tropical Agricultural            11.  B.S. Bioscience and Technology
               12.  B.S. Integrated Chemistry             13.  B.S. Agro-Industrial Innovation and Technology
               14.  B.S. Polymer Science and Technology   15.  B.E. Economics (EP.)
               16.  B.Eng. Electrical Engineering (EP.)   17.  B.Eng. Industrial Engineering (EP.)
               18.  B.Eng. Environmental Engineering (EP.)
             : 9 Programs (At Sriracha Campus)
                  1. B.B.A. Management  (EP.)               2. B.B.A. Digital Marketing and Branding  (EP.)
                 3. B.B.A. International Business  (EP.)
                 4. B.B.A. Hospitality Industry Management - Hotel Management  (EP.)
                                                    - Contemporary Tourism Management  (EP.)
                 5. B.B.A. Accounting  (EP.)                6. B.B.A. Logistics Management  (EP.)
                 7. B.B.A. Finance and Investment  (EP.)     8. B.Eng. Automotive Engineering
                 9. B.Eng. Robotics and Automation System Engineering
             Master Degree Level : 20 Programs
                  1. M.B.A. Business Administration
                 2. M.Eng. Advanced and Sustainable Environmental Engineering
                 3. M.Eng. Electrical Engineering           4. M.Eng. Engineering Management
                 5. M.Eng. Environmental Engineering        6. M.Eng. Industrial Engineering
                 7. M.Eng. Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems
                 8. M.S. Agricultural Research And Development (Kampheang Saen Campus)
                 9. M.S. Agricultural and Resource Economics  10. M.S. Aquaculture
                11. M.S. Bio-Veterinary Science           12. M.S. Biotechnology
                13. M.S. Fishery Science and Technology    14. M.S. Food Science
                15. M.S. Sport Management                 16. M.S. Sustainable Agriculture
               17. M.S. Tropical Agriculture              18. M.S. Tropical Forestry
               19. M.S. Management Economics              20. M.S. Watershed and Environmental
             Doctoral Degree Level : 15 Programs
                  1. D.Eng. Industrial Engineering          2. Ph.D. Agricultural Economics
                 3. Ph.D. Agricultural and Resource Economics
                 4. Ph.D. Agricultural Sciences (Kampheang Saen Campus)
                 5. Ph.D. Bioscience                        6. Ph.D. Bio-Veterinary Science
                 7. Ph.D. Biotechnology                     8. Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
                 9. Ph.D. English for International Communication 10. Ph.D. Entomology
                11. Ph.D. Fishery Science and Technology   12. Ph.D. Food Science
                13. Ph.D. Tropical Agriculture            14. Ph.D. Tropical Forestry
                15. Ph.D. Sport Management

             ระดบปรญญาตร ม 1 หลกสตร
             - วศวกรรมศาสตรบณฑต (วศวกรรมโยธ�-ชลประท�น)
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