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โครงการรวบรวมและจัดทําเอกสารวารสารอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


                     Reference should have the following format.
                     1. Journal:
               Grassman, L.I., Jr., M.E. Tewes, N.J. Silvy & K. Kreetiyutanont. 2005. Ecology of three sympatric felids

                  in a mixed evergreen forest in north-central Thailand. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 29–38.

                     2. Thesis:
               Sukprakarn, N., 2003. Species diversity and habitats of amphibians and reptiles at Namtok Phliu
                  National Park, Chanthaburi Province. MS Thesis, Kasetsart University, Bangkok [in Thai with
                  English Abstract].

                     3. Book:
               Francis, C.M. 2008. A Photographic Guide to Mammals of Thailand & South-East Asia. Asia Book

                  Co., Ltd., Bangkok.
               Lekagul, B. & P.D. Round. 1991. A Guide to the Birds of Thailand. Darnsutha Press, Bangkok.

                     4. Proceeding and Book Chapter:
               Duengkae, P., S. Maneerat, A. Pattanavibool & D. Marod. 2004. Responses of bird assemblage to the
                  abandoned settlement areas in Thung Yai Naresaun Wildlife Sanctuary; A Natural World Heritage,
                  Thailand. In IUFRO International Workshop on Landscape Ecology 2004, Conservation and
                  Managentment  of  Fragmented  Forest  Landscapes.  October  25-28,  2004,  Tsukuba,  Ibaraki,

               Chuaynkern, Y. & P. Duengkae. 2014. Decline of amphibians in Thailand. Pp. 233–263. In Conservation
                  Biology of Amphibian of Asia: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Eastern
                  Hemisphere. H. Heatwole & I. Das (eds.). Natural History Publication, Borneo.

                     5. Web Resource:
               IUCN, 2008. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Available Sources:,
                  November 14, 2008.

                                                 SUBMISSION DETAILS

                     Provide names, addresses and email of at least three experts on the subject who would be

               appropriate reviewers for your manuscript.
                     Text should be in MS WORD. Please ensure to submit two separate files;
                     1. A cover letter (template available on this website).
                     2. A text file with the complete manuscript.
                     Electronic submission is preferred (

               วารสารสัตว์ป่าเมืองไทย ปีที่ 24 พ.ศ. 2560                  Journal of Wildlife in Thailand Vol. 24, 2017
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