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          โครงการหนังสออเล็กทรอนกส เฉลมพระเกียรตสมเด็จพระเทพรตนราชสดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมาร      ี
              After the inauguration in  0 0 5 , one thousand sets will be presented as a donation to
       leading institutions worldwide. Furthermore, the International Tipiṭaka Studies will be initiated
       as  an  integral part of  the presentation. The International Tipiṭaka Studies in  these leading
       institutions will integrate the wisdom-base  in the Tipiṭaka with the knowledge-base  of the
       world today. It is hoped that the integration and right understanding of the Pāḷi Tipiṭaka will

       ensure sustainable peace, as well as lasting security for the international community today.

              May  the  merits  of  the  International  Tipiṭaka  printing  and  the  presentation  bring
       wisdom, life-long happiness and prosperity to the people of the world, now and always.

       Bangkok, Thailand

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